Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2.04 Broadcast Television, O' Reilly

  1. What news show (or shows) did you watch? "The O' Reilly Factor, Voters Who Don't Know Anything"
  2.  Categorize the show- Political Talk Show
  3. Did you see any opinion being expressed? Please quote the instances in your answer.
    The whole show is an opinion. "Many voters are confused.""Anything can happen in 2012"
  4. Was this show effective in informing you about a topic? What did it do right? What could have been better? 
This show was very informative. The host discussed the upcoming election and his opinions concerning the nominees and Barack Obama. In politics reporters don't equally show both sides of the story because the bias is so pronounced. Obviously political shows have their own category concerning opinion vs fact. The show is mostly (if not all) opinion, backed up by facts.
     I enjoyed listening to Bill O' Reilly because he shares his opinion but does a good job of not sounding judgmental or condescending to anyone he opposes. I like that there are video clips of President Obama speaking, that dispels doubt about what he actually said.  He touched on several different topics which kept the show interesting but he didn't stray too far from his main topic.
     I would have liked him to have another person on the show, to give another opinion. Obama was in video clips but because he was not there in person and there was no opposition to Bill O' Reilly it was much easier to think that there was only one side. It is hard to remain objective in situations concerning politics but I believe that the Mr. O' Reilly was very informative and helpful in his show.