Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2.03 Save the Light Bulbs radio broadcast

     The radio broadcast presented by NPR news titled "Future Dim For 100 Watt Bulb, Despite Congress' Stall" presented by Peter Overby on December 22, 2011 was presented very nicely. It was informative and thorough without becoming boring. I enjoyed the different aspects presented by Overby in this broadcast. He presented the topic from both an economical and political stand point and succeeded in blending the two topics flawlessly. He reported equally about both sides, and not impose his own ideas on the listener.
     Peter Overby is the money power and influence correspondent for the NPR station. Overby reports on campaign finance and lobbying. While Peter Overbys' stories are mostly centered around politics, like this one, he does sometimes report on other topics. His career with NPR started in 1994 and before radio broadcasting he was the senior editor for Common Cause Magazine.
    I would consider the report credible because of the integrity of the station, NPR, on which the story was presented, the reporter that gave the report has a long history of reporting and he is accustomed to the topic. Overby gave accounts from numerous sources including depot stores that sell the 100 watt bulb and prominent political figures for and against the legislation. This topic is political and because of that the reporter has to give his broadcast considering that most listeners have bias opinions concerning almost any political issue. At first I was against the new legislation because, like most, I shy away from changes. However, as the report progressed I changed my mind and in my opinion getting rid or 100 watt bulbs is not that big of a deal. As many of the sources stated, the transformation is already in progress and it is impractical to try and stop it.