Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Peaceful Riot

The opinions I have can be discredited but my objective is not facts, in this article at least. I am usually an avid follower of facts behind words but for the next 700 words I want the reader to decide which matters more. the facts that could be presented or the fact that I as a teenager in 2012 feels this way. I know people may disagree and most will care very little about this article at all but I will care and as long as I know that my opinion is out in cyber space for the general public my need for self expression will be fulfilled.
At times I feel that I write so that others can act. Those that can't do, teach; right? The main topic I really want to address is the war or on a wider spectrum any war. I am being raised in a country that believes in containing problems, checking off little boxes on a list and always moving forward whether it is wise or not. In high school teenagers are not taught to make bad decisions or complain but the atmosphere we are put into leaves little choice. For up to eight hours every day for five days a week 1,000 teenagers are put into one square mile and given no real choices. No wonder adults have so many issues. After high school college is a welcome breath of freedom but unaccustomed to this new found freedom many students make decisions they soon regret.